Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I think I have finally decided...

sigh...can't wait for next year. We will all be happy and friends again. We should throw an internet "post-election" blog party or something :).
James and I have decided, barring any biblical reasons for exclusion, to vote for Chuck Baldwin. We understand that just like us, no one is perfect. But is was a family decision and I am grateful. There were times were we favored two different parties-not
Did anyone see Voddie Baucham on CNN the other day. I caught it on Youtube. I was impressed. Even more impressed that the majority, if not all, of the conversation was kept civil. I rarely watch the news anymore, so I was surprised that CNN didn't try to spin, and make the pastor a fall guy or
Another CNN youtube that I enjoyed was this one.

While, I don't agree with everything he said 100%, it basically expressed my political sentiments.

We attend a calvary chapel church here in NC, and are studying the book of Galatians. Verse-by-verse. I have been a Christian since 1998, and am ashamed to say, that I have never meditated on these scriptures; just memorized the ones we have made a little cliche, and you enjoy being able to repeat and feel is really using the letter and the current events to speak to me about his urgency for people to hear and the Gospel. Praise Him.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

...happy reading?

With all the latest political happenings and manueverings(sp, really), I have just about worn myself out reading blogs.
I even forgot to post my Wordless Wednesday picture:
This is where all the magic happens...well all the away from home magic, that is...

I don't think I will lose any sleep if I never here the words Obama/Biden MacCain/Palin again. All the babel still hasn't given me any confidence to vote for them this election.
I have enjoyed listening to mostly worship music this week. Also studying Revelations with study notes from