Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The new "Tee-Vree"(my daughter's pronunciation)

Ladies, do you have one of these monstrosities in your home? Chances are if you have a husband under 45, you do. While I admit my hypocrisy in loathing a big screen during the NBA playoffs, during my husbands ESPN time, and loving it when my favorite HGTV shows are on, it is still what it is- big!...The day it arrived, it was brought from 2 states on a moving truck because the regular carriers couldn't bring it. The kids were watching the poor delivery guy unload it like they were watching a favorite cartoon. I wanted to capture the size of it before it was put up by DH. What better way than to have the girls(ages 4, and 3) stand in front.

Now before I join the "Learning how to decorate around a big screen TV that flashes mood lighting around it" class, I have to acknowledge the suffering of others - I have a sister and a friend who have recently dealt with the 50 plus inch TV delima, so don't cry for me. I have learned to just pop popcorn and make a movie night out of the situation and save money.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Things that make me smile...

"...I am tagging Lisa @ My Surviving Thoughts. Maybe that will get her to post more than twice a month. (I mean, what does she have to do besides raise kids, keep house, go to work, and get settled in her new house? Sheesh!)..."
Haha, thanks for the tag Brenda

Here is my list, in no specific order:
  • Receiving emails from my sis during work hours
    My husband's smile
    The thought of finally getting to fill out the NC intent to home school form
    Thoughts on the kindness of friends and strangers we've encountered
    Hearing my children sing throughout the house(even my 1yr old grunts out a tune now and then)
    Watching my baby boy run. It's the cutest thing watching those little legs scuttle.
    The part in the story of Joseph where he reveals his identity to his brothers(classic)
    Banana Pudding(shivers)
    Autum colors on tree leaves
    Listening to my girls play and use there imaginations( someone is either a princess, a baby, a dragon, or a mommie, oh and sometimes Ms. Hannagan from Annie if they pull me into it)

I am tagging Ms. Asia, who is very busy also(with college). We are praying for you sis.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Why I changed my mind and will vote come Nov 2008...

I am hoping that the Lord calls me home-home to homemaking that is, before 2008 or 2009. However, if He tarries with this blessed event, I would like to know that I am not giving 25% of my check to pay off US Gov't debt(foreign and domestic)with income taxes. I was pleased to find out about this gentleman from Texas running for President. I know it pains some to see people jumping off the Huckabee and Keyes bandwagon for this man, but I simply am tired of supporting preemptive war, and being a slave to wasteful US debt.
"...a laudable goal, but they don't see how it would be possible."(EA)
Read for yourself. The neat thing about him is, if you don't agree, it's okay.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

I'm all late...

With a picture of my living room. Brenda asked a while ago to see. Notice that big square table. It has been a very instrumental tool in training this past week. Lesson: Teaching Children to Resist the Urge to slide, jump, or breakdance on the new table.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I *heart* the beach...

Yes, she brought that HOT blanket to the beach

This past weekend. We had the pleasure of my sister and her family's company at Ocean Isle Beach, NC. Let me tell you. I love going to the beach.
My first trip was in 2001 on a whim with James to Kure Beach, NC. Well, unless you count the time in '84 when my dad took us to Coney Island, but my mother made sure we didn't go anywhere near the sand or water(yuck).
Anyway, this annual trip is now a tradition. Hope to add more family next year.

One of the reasons James liked coming to Ocean Isle this year(usually, it's Myrtle Beach, SC), is that there is a church service right on the beach Sunday mornings. I was a little reluctant to go because I wanted to sleep more. However James was insistent- (insert Stern/yet loving man voice here)church doesn't stop just because you go on vacation. I agree, and it was a great service. The Gospel was preached. I pray that the Holy Spirit opened some one's eyes to the Cross of Christ, the Good News.

So just pondering now the things I want to accomplish or have in place by the end of this year:

  • Pray more. More quiet time for prayer

  • Read Bible. The Gospels

  • Read Barclay's(sp) book on The Letter to the Romans

  • Organize the new house better. We will only be there 6-8 months, but it will help

  • Organize our finances, bills, and budget better

  • Last but not least. Ad nauseum...Eat healthier.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Were settling in...

...little ones enjoying breakfast on the deck(yes baby girl has on the blue cinderella dress)

...my big girl giving an encore to her stunning rendition of the "veggie tales" intro.

Home that a dear brother and sister in the Lord provided. We are so grateful.
God is Good . He is Faihful. Praise and Glory to Him forever!
On July 27th we had a fire in the home we rented. We were homeless by 9am. God took such good care of my children. No one was hurt. James and I were both at work when the sitter became distracted and forgot she was frying on the stove. Pray for her. She has been dealing with so much guilt. But we love her and value her service. How many times have I been distracted by one of my children- it happens!
So, The Lord provided and I mean overflowing. It's August 18 and I was still saying thankyou to gifts and clothing a couple of days ago. We can't even hold all the provision that He has provided.
But more than material things, He has given us His Peace in this ordeal. Praise Him. People ask me have I broke down or cried over the loss, and I haven't. I can't explain it. I am not much of a crier anymore, but this has been overwhelming at times-but no tears. Just Joy.
We have had our frustrations and tense moments, but never were we without His Peace of mind. Thank You Jesus.
So we are in a new city. With new things. Some things were given to us, some bought new by others. It's all new to us!
I am not doing justice to my feelings because they are inexpressible still- even weeks after. I'm sure I will write more later.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

I've been 'a surfin'...

Oops! Been a few days since I checked in.

Not much going on though. I have been reading alot on home schooling. It's a very diverse crowd out here in cyberland.
I ran into lots of black home school support groups. Alot of sectarian homeschool blogs, and mixed bag of evolutionist, liberal, and athiest home school sites - for which I am all grateful for at least one reason, parent owned education. I will add links later If I am moved to do so.
My feelings were turned off by some of the anti- homeschooling opinions I read, but I have resolved myself to use those feelings as a touchstone of my commitment to home school. You know- can I handle the heat?...

So...in light of my determination to research as much on home education as I can, I received a small(very small) boost the other day. James came out of nowhere with a comment about being able to bring me home soon if certain things(that are going well) stay on the same path. Yay!...Pray for us, please.

I have been staying away from my usual Christian debate forums for a minute. They have me feeling a little grieved. Alot of infighting along with my intense research online for the past few days has made me plain sad. So one of my fav forums is off limits for a few more days. Not too long-love those guys! (read more... )

Stupid(Webster "ain't neva lied")....
Did anyone catch the Dateline NBC show "To Catch a Predator" lastnight? ...shaking my head... it was sad to watch. I was surprised to find out that those predators didn't actually have to touch the "child" in order to warrant an arrest! Yay! It was a terrible display of the result of "online grooming", but a couple of those catches had James and I rolling with laughter. Stupid!

I was curious about when they were gonna have some set up for female predators. It may not be enough of them out there to get a hit- oh wait- they are doing it in the public schools instead. Oops, wont be able to catch 'em on dateline! ( end sarcasm)...

Friday, July 13, 2007

missing you...

Any working moms out there?....sigh

I hate leaving my kids every morning to go to work. I usually sneak out to avoid looking at them sleep because that is my reason, most of the time, for calling in and staying home. I caught a glimpse of my big girl(4yrs) sleeping and I almost called in.

They would be up soon and the house would be filled with their playful yells and cries and the usual food demands(lol). That might seem boring to most, but not to me.

Anybody who knows me, or has talked with me online has heard this sad song many a time. I try not to complain because I know the Lord knows my desire to be home, and only He can shape our situation to make that possible, so I am waiting and trusting in Him for wisdom and help.

But in the meantime, I am surely missing my crew.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

So, I'm blogging now...

My friend Asia, who I met online has a blog. So when I asked her if it was an easy thing to setup, she assured me that blogging was easy. So here i am.

Hope everyone had a great 4th. We spent time with family.
Unfortunately, we lost our dog that night. She broke away when the fireworks started. If someone has her, I hope they are taking good care of her.

I will forewarn everyone that the theme of most of my blogging will be my kids, husband, family...They are very consuming of my life(in the very best of ways) only second to my Savior.
I am more of a blog reader, than writer, so I will be challenged to step it up with every post. Hopefully any readers I get will benefit.
God Bless.