Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The new "Tee-Vree"(my daughter's pronunciation)

Ladies, do you have one of these monstrosities in your home? Chances are if you have a husband under 45, you do. While I admit my hypocrisy in loathing a big screen during the NBA playoffs, during my husbands ESPN time, and loving it when my favorite HGTV shows are on, it is still what it is- big!...The day it arrived, it was brought from 2 states on a moving truck because the regular carriers couldn't bring it. The kids were watching the poor delivery guy unload it like they were watching a favorite cartoon. I wanted to capture the size of it before it was put up by DH. What better way than to have the girls(ages 4, and 3) stand in front.

Now before I join the "Learning how to decorate around a big screen TV that flashes mood lighting around it" class, I have to acknowledge the suffering of others - I have a sister and a friend who have recently dealt with the 50 plus inch TV delima, so don't cry for me. I have learned to just pop popcorn and make a movie night out of the situation and save money.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Things that make me smile...

"...I am tagging Lisa @ My Surviving Thoughts. Maybe that will get her to post more than twice a month. (I mean, what does she have to do besides raise kids, keep house, go to work, and get settled in her new house? Sheesh!)..."
Haha, thanks for the tag Brenda

Here is my list, in no specific order:
  • Receiving emails from my sis during work hours
    My husband's smile
    The thought of finally getting to fill out the NC intent to home school form
    Thoughts on the kindness of friends and strangers we've encountered
    Hearing my children sing throughout the house(even my 1yr old grunts out a tune now and then)
    Watching my baby boy run. It's the cutest thing watching those little legs scuttle.
    The part in the story of Joseph where he reveals his identity to his brothers(classic)
    Banana Pudding(shivers)
    Autum colors on tree leaves
    Listening to my girls play and use there imaginations( someone is either a princess, a baby, a dragon, or a mommie, oh and sometimes Ms. Hannagan from Annie if they pull me into it)

I am tagging Ms. Asia, who is very busy also(with college). We are praying for you sis.