Friday, December 5, 2008

Ok, here goes...

Hey Brenda, I can take a hint too.
Compliments of my Big Girl. She watched a commercial for Slimquick,
and she "quickly" discerned that it was for fat women. So um, let's see...any fat women in the room with her? Why yes, the lady whose lap she was resting on.
"Mama, you need some of that!"...sigh. Ok, I can take a hint. I guess it really wasn't a hint...more like the truth in love...haha.
Aaaanyway...I thought about it for a couple of days. I am going to join Brenda's Fitness Friday as a part of my weight loss regimen that i am starting...monday. I had been enjoying reading about the progress and assignments, but I wasn't committed at the time. However, recent events, like my daughters observations, change in seasonal clothing, and wanting to eat healthier, I am ready. So here goes...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I think I have finally decided...

sigh...can't wait for next year. We will all be happy and friends again. We should throw an internet "post-election" blog party or something :).
James and I have decided, barring any biblical reasons for exclusion, to vote for Chuck Baldwin. We understand that just like us, no one is perfect. But is was a family decision and I am grateful. There were times were we favored two different parties-not
Did anyone see Voddie Baucham on CNN the other day. I caught it on Youtube. I was impressed. Even more impressed that the majority, if not all, of the conversation was kept civil. I rarely watch the news anymore, so I was surprised that CNN didn't try to spin, and make the pastor a fall guy or
Another CNN youtube that I enjoyed was this one.

While, I don't agree with everything he said 100%, it basically expressed my political sentiments.

We attend a calvary chapel church here in NC, and are studying the book of Galatians. Verse-by-verse. I have been a Christian since 1998, and am ashamed to say, that I have never meditated on these scriptures; just memorized the ones we have made a little cliche, and you enjoy being able to repeat and feel is really using the letter and the current events to speak to me about his urgency for people to hear and the Gospel. Praise Him.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

...happy reading?

With all the latest political happenings and manueverings(sp, really), I have just about worn myself out reading blogs.
I even forgot to post my Wordless Wednesday picture:
This is where all the magic happens...well all the away from home magic, that is...

I don't think I will lose any sleep if I never here the words Obama/Biden MacCain/Palin again. All the babel still hasn't given me any confidence to vote for them this election.
I have enjoyed listening to mostly worship music this week. Also studying Revelations with study notes from

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Having Patience

Yesterday while James and I were unpacking and organizing some things, I mentioned to him that I had found my keys. They had gone missing the day before. My five year old was listening(as always) and jumped into the room. She put her hands on her hips and with a child's scowl look on her face said, "Mama! I hid your keys so you wouldn't have to go to work!". Ah, the anguish in my heart. I wonder what she made out of my facial expression, because I had no words at the moment. She was hurt that I found the keys and that is why I left for work the other day(I had used daddy's). So I quickly repremanded her for stealing and hiding things from us and she went back to playing. James was in the room the whole time, but was silent. After 12 years of marriage, he knows me, and I was a water keg about to burst..but I didn't. So when he left the room, I called Big girl in and gave her and baby girl a big hug and kiss, and told them I loved them, and hopefully I will be home soon.

I always make sure my children are not around when I talk to husband about coming home from the workplace, but maybe she has eavesdropped on some of our talks. Either way, she is as desperate for me to stop working outside the home as I am.
I know some would suggest getting her more outside activities to do during the day to distract her and take her mind off of the fact that she misses me, but that is just creepy to me.

So I was feeling sorry for myself and my decision to not put her in government school, when as always, the Lord gives me some encouragement. Here's a portion of an email I received from my aunt. She was replying back to me. I had forgot I have written her.

When it comes to home schooling you really would have to have worked in the public system and the private system to see its value. I have worked public and I have worked private. The only reason I am in the public system is the money. Van still works in the private/public system. #1 priority is to join a home schooling group and a home schooling university. You can find them online. You can find the closest ones in your community.
I don't personally think that is the #1 priority, but it does seem important to do

The best way to set the family at ease is test scores. I am sure you are smart enougn to get the job done. Get as much knowledge as possible before you really start...Remember, while you set-up your system and finalize it, some things you will have to keep to yourself and share only with James.

It might not seem like much, but it was just the thing I needed to remind me of why I am doing what I am doing. So, I am trying to be patient with my situation at work just in case my Big girl is still eavesdropping...

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

Remembering our American Soldiers...

I really enjoy having long weekends. They are such a special treat to me. We are still unpacking and organizing rooms. That was what we did most of the time, but I didn't mind not traveling much.
Sunday morning we had a special visitor walk through our back door while I was cooking breakfast.

She escaped her owners. When we got her, she was dirty, hungry and shaking(hunger?). James and the girls fed her, bathed her, and played with her. I knew the kids would get attached. "Princess" seemed well trained, so we knew we wouldn't have her for long. She definately had an owner that put alot of time into training and groaming her. So James let her sleep at teh foot of the bed(along with all the kids), and she was back with her happy owners today.

I also got to my first paint project(ever!). My beautiful buffet table and cabinet I received from a wonderful coworker after the fire last year.

Big girl did the distressing a few months earlier during an episode of disobedience with my keys while she was bored...





We've moved!

We were blessed with the provision of a rental house after our fire back in August of '07. Since then, James has decided that we need more space. So we are back in the city we came from. This time renting in a subdivision(something new to me, and a little strange).

Our neighbor is nice and friendly, but you learn quickly, not everyone is. It's like being in a huge mouse maze together with a couple thousand other people. You really get a good feel of the rat race we run everyday. Out to work, back in to our garages, mow our lawns, scoff at the lawns of others, pay our dues, form neighbor qliques, no clothes lines(HOA no-no), small yards, very high fences...sigh..I know I am looking at it from the stand-point of an outsider. I am sure I will assimilate quickly and learn to smile and enjoy all those things I mentioned as quirks before.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


I am the worst blogger ever...
My intentions were to make this an online diary of sorts of things that I'm concerned about. I think I am barely averaging two posts a month.
I spend so much more time working, taking care of home and reading other blogs, mine just become less and less interesting to me :)
Blogs like hers, and hers and hers was very interesting. And of course those that I frequently read in my short blog list.
So if anyone actually comes here anymore, my apologies for the cob webs. I do have a lot to say, just forget to type it up most of the time. Hang in there with me, and still drop in from time to time. God Bless

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Happy Anniversary Dear...

James and I celebrated 12 years of marriage yesterday. Yes, on tax day, long story.
I am very grateful for him. I'm sure he would say the same, but I am convinced God knew I needed him for a husband. We have opposite personalities, but similar tastes. He is my teacher, best friend, and confidant. Loooove him!
However, I did forget to buy him something. He remembered(although late in the day). After 12 years, our love is strong, but the shopping gusto isn't
Our little secret, I am gonna buy him something this weekend. Shhhh.

Wanna see what he bought me? A card, some of my favorite candy, and beautiful roses.

Oh, and this is why I labeled this post "Keepin' It Real". It is true...I don't have a vase in my house, or in storage. Nothing to put those beautiful flowers in...except,

yeah, one of James' frosted glass mugs. That thing is huge. Perfect fit. I should have waited until the frost evaporated though...
After 12 years you would think I would know who is my husband, but he still insists on signing his whole name on the cards he gives cute...

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Keepin' it real, huh?

Well, I tried. I made the effort to find areas of my pristine home that were, how do you say?, "unkept". But ya know, I just couldn't find any "keepin' it real moments" in my bathroom.

Nah, It's clean as a whistle.

So I tried my living room. Nope....spotless.

Not trying to brag or anything.

I even attempted to see if my yard offered anything I could divulge on this post. Nada...

I understand most moms aren't superwomen like I am. They should be applauded for the effort to keep a spotless home as I do.
Sorry Brenda, maybe next time.

*wispering to my son* "You think they are buying this?"

Not a chance

Friday, March 7, 2008

Coming out of the home school closet to my family...slowly

My Aunt( 3 states away) has known about my desire to home school for a year or so now. She is a teacher and doesn't have much good to say about public school. She hates "No Child Left Behind" even more. It was a comfort that she thought home schooling my children was a good idea if I wanted to do it. While we differ on some issues that I feel border on socialist, she has been a confidant lately while I struggle with my decision and wait for my husband's decision.

My mom has dropped in on a couple of conversations we've had about public school "reform" and home schooling, so I knew it was about time for her to start some intervening. So lately I have been dropping more hints to my mother and my sister, both opposed to home school(for the sake of the child of course). Our convos have usually gone like this:

sis: Soooo, BigGirl is going to kindergarten next year!
me: Well,(cough), we think we'll keep her home for a couple more years while we decide if we want to home school.
sis: (wide eyed)Oh?
me: You know, in NC a child doesn't have to begin school until they are 7.
sis: Really? So what grade will she go into at 7?
me: First, maybe Second.
sis: For real? She doesn't have to go to kindergarten?
me: No...

As for my mother, she doesn't ask directly if I am keeping the kids home. She more so fishes for it by adding in school commentary to a normal conversation.

me: Goodness! BigGirl just gets going and sometimes it hard to calm her down. She's so hyper.
mama: Oh, that will all straighten out when she starts school next year.

Uh, school will calm her down? Straighten her out?

Monday, January 14, 2008

I'm back...

But just for a minute.
1) Asia, I love you sis. I have been to your blog, but haven't commented yet. I haven't forgot.
2) Service was great Sunday. Galatians 1:1-10 baby! Verse by verse
3) MLK day is coming up. Check this out: click here

be back soon...