Saturday, August 18, 2007

Were settling in...

...little ones enjoying breakfast on the deck(yes baby girl has on the blue cinderella dress) big girl giving an encore to her stunning rendition of the "veggie tales" intro.

Home that a dear brother and sister in the Lord provided. We are so grateful.
God is Good . He is Faihful. Praise and Glory to Him forever!
On July 27th we had a fire in the home we rented. We were homeless by 9am. God took such good care of my children. No one was hurt. James and I were both at work when the sitter became distracted and forgot she was frying on the stove. Pray for her. She has been dealing with so much guilt. But we love her and value her service. How many times have I been distracted by one of my children- it happens!
So, The Lord provided and I mean overflowing. It's August 18 and I was still saying thankyou to gifts and clothing a couple of days ago. We can't even hold all the provision that He has provided.
But more than material things, He has given us His Peace in this ordeal. Praise Him. People ask me have I broke down or cried over the loss, and I haven't. I can't explain it. I am not much of a crier anymore, but this has been overwhelming at times-but no tears. Just Joy.
We have had our frustrations and tense moments, but never were we without His Peace of mind. Thank You Jesus.
So we are in a new city. With new things. Some things were given to us, some bought new by others. It's all new to us!
I am not doing justice to my feelings because they are inexpressible still- even weeks after. I'm sure I will write more later.


Brenda said...

Oh Lisa, I was wondering if it happened when someone was home!!! I knew no one had been hurt, but still. I am SO thankful that your children and sitter got out of the house OK. It's incredible how God provided for you--a house? Those darling rugs? BUT-your attitude and faith in God is what is really incredible!!! Thank you for trusting Him in a situation like that. Some would have called it hopeless!

Hey Yall... said...

Oh, the rugs, James picked them out. He has a real eye!
Brenda, it is incredible to me, my attitude. I am a self described duck on a pond. So while people see the coolness on the outside, I usually am going a mile a minute with my nerves or imagination depending on the crisis. So when the fire happened, and I tell people God gave me His Peace, I mean it! Cause I know myself on the inside, when, at times, I have let a situation break me down and distract me from my Lord's Throne.
God Bless -lisa

Asia said...

Wow, Lisa I am happy that EVERYONE is okay. Praise God on the new home. He is our Provider. God Bless sis

Elspeth said...

Thank God no one was hurt. Your expressions of peace and thankfulness are inspiring. Ever since you left a comment on my blog, I had been occasionally peeking at yours to see if you'd added anything new. I pray God's blessings for you and your family through this time of transition.

cler said...

ahh your attitude towards what happened is such an encouragement sis! and that's only by the grace of God! i'm glad to hear that everything is okay and you and your family are settling in!