Friday, March 7, 2008

Coming out of the home school closet to my family...slowly

My Aunt( 3 states away) has known about my desire to home school for a year or so now. She is a teacher and doesn't have much good to say about public school. She hates "No Child Left Behind" even more. It was a comfort that she thought home schooling my children was a good idea if I wanted to do it. While we differ on some issues that I feel border on socialist, she has been a confidant lately while I struggle with my decision and wait for my husband's decision.

My mom has dropped in on a couple of conversations we've had about public school "reform" and home schooling, so I knew it was about time for her to start some intervening. So lately I have been dropping more hints to my mother and my sister, both opposed to home school(for the sake of the child of course). Our convos have usually gone like this:

sis: Soooo, BigGirl is going to kindergarten next year!
me: Well,(cough), we think we'll keep her home for a couple more years while we decide if we want to home school.
sis: (wide eyed)Oh?
me: You know, in NC a child doesn't have to begin school until they are 7.
sis: Really? So what grade will she go into at 7?
me: First, maybe Second.
sis: For real? She doesn't have to go to kindergarten?
me: No...

As for my mother, she doesn't ask directly if I am keeping the kids home. She more so fishes for it by adding in school commentary to a normal conversation.

me: Goodness! BigGirl just gets going and sometimes it hard to calm her down. She's so hyper.
mama: Oh, that will all straighten out when she starts school next year.

Uh, school will calm her down? Straighten her out?


Asia said...

I am glad that you are condering home schooling. I know many people are against home schooling but I don't know why. I think it is awesome to home school. I will pray for you as you condering home schooling.

Elspeth said...

Lisa, I am pulling for you! I think your desire to homeschool is great. I wish I would have done it when my kids were younger. It didn't occur to me until they were well into middle school and my dh thought it best to let them stay put. We have an 18 month old, and a new baby coming in two months (you've been out of blog world, so I'm sure you didn't know that!) and he has consented to us homeschooling them since I will be starting from the beginning. I am so glad to hear that you have been able to come home. Looking forward to coming back by your blog agian soon.

Elspeth said...

Are you doing some blog design experimentation? I personally think the photo of your kids is absolutely fabulous! So cute!

Hey Yall... said...

I have been trying to keep my blog spiffy, even when i go awol. Thanks for the compliment. It might take a minute to load, but I added a new slideshow on the right side too.
I really like the picture of my kids holding hands. I pray they always stay so friendly and caring with each other. It wasn't always so with my sisters as we grew up.

Hey Yall... said...

Asia! Thanks for the encouragement sis. On your blog and in the forums, I see you maturing in the things of God and understanding. God is Good.

Madame Butterfly said...

Ahaahah!! LOL. That conversation sounds so familiar. I can so relate. My mother who was an educator for 30 years, used to give me a hard time until she saw the results (my oldest was reading at early age four). See I home schooled preschool years, they went to school for a year and now i am home schooling again. My mom had nothing to say when i decided to school my kindergarten-aged and first grader this year. Your mom probably doesn't mean any harm, she's just being a mommy...Somehow that never stops...go figure :o)