Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The new "Tee-Vree"(my daughter's pronunciation)

Ladies, do you have one of these monstrosities in your home? Chances are if you have a husband under 45, you do. While I admit my hypocrisy in loathing a big screen during the NBA playoffs, during my husbands ESPN time, and loving it when my favorite HGTV shows are on, it is still what it is- big!...The day it arrived, it was brought from 2 states on a moving truck because the regular carriers couldn't bring it. The kids were watching the poor delivery guy unload it like they were watching a favorite cartoon. I wanted to capture the size of it before it was put up by DH. What better way than to have the girls(ages 4, and 3) stand in front.

Now before I join the "Learning how to decorate around a big screen TV that flashes mood lighting around it" class, I have to acknowledge the suffering of others - I have a sister and a friend who have recently dealt with the 50 plus inch TV delima, so don't cry for me. I have learned to just pop popcorn and make a movie night out of the situation and save money.


Elspeth said...

My husband would like a big TV but so far he's avoided taking the plunge. DH is a little too frugal to allow himself to justify the expense. Of course, our old one is showing signs of dying, so I may yet end up having to decorate around a "monstrosity". Good luck!

Asia said...

hey lisa nice post and a very very big tv