Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Why I changed my mind and will vote come Nov 2008...

I am hoping that the Lord calls me home-home to homemaking that is, before 2008 or 2009. However, if He tarries with this blessed event, I would like to know that I am not giving 25% of my check to pay off US Gov't debt(foreign and domestic)with income taxes. I was pleased to find out about this gentleman from Texas running for President. I know it pains some to see people jumping off the Huckabee and Keyes bandwagon for this man, but I simply am tired of supporting preemptive war, and being a slave to wasteful US debt.
"...a laudable goal, but they don't see how it would be possible."(EA)
Read for yourself. The neat thing about him is, if you don't agree, it's okay.


Elspeth said...

I took a look at Ron Paul website. He looks good to me. Pro-life, pro-homeschool, anti-IRS and big government. I didn't know much about him before, and I'm still undecided, but thanks for the information. It's nice to be able to consider an alternative to the few candidates the media keeps trying to shove down our throats.

Anonymous said...

Hi terry, that is the reason I posted. Only to let people know there is an alternative to the status quo from both parties. -hey yall(mrsMaam)